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Call for Workshops, Special Sessions & Tutorials


Deadline: 31 January, 2021


The ALife2021 Organizing Committee invites proposals for Workshops, Special Sessions and Tutorial to be held in conjunction with ALIFE 2021 conference, which will be held in Prague (Czech Republic), 19-23 July 2021.

We especially encourage proposals that relate to the theme of ALIFE 2021:

Robots: The century past and the century ahead.


Submission of Workshop/Special Session/Tutorial Proposals is open now.
We will receive applications until 31 January, 2021.
The notification of acceptance will be given by 13 February,  2021.

Workshop Proposals


The ALIFE 2021 workshops are intended to be forums to present and discuss new approaches, visions, or critical reflections within a research area. They provide an excellent opportunity to meet people with similar interests, to be exposed to cutting-edge research and to exchange ideas in an informal setting. The organizers of an accepted workshop are responsible for its coordination and its publicity (e.g., for sending out call for papers/abstracts), for collecting and reviewing the papers/abstracts, and for maintaining a website providing a list of accepted talks. Workshops are open to all interested conference participants, unless specifically justified otherwise in the application. Workshops can allocate either one or two 1.5 hour time slots.

If accepted, ALIFE will provide the onsite logistics (seminar rooms, projectors, coffee breaks) and links from the main conference website. All other organizational issues — including separate review process and proceedings publication, if any — are taken care of by the workshop chairs. Therefore, any workshop-specific requests from participants should be exclusively addressed to them, not to the ALIFE committee. The internal organization of the satellite workshops and tutorials (website, paper submission, invited talks, proceedings, all deadlines except registration) is entirely left up to their respective organizers. Participation in workshops requires conference registration.

Tutorial Proposals

ALIFE 2021 tutorials will be presented by domain experts to cover current topics relevant to artificial life researchers and practitioners, such as introduction to state-of-the-art methods and software. Each tutorial slot will be 1.5 hours long. We encourage tutorial organizers to maintain a website that collects tutorial, demos and interactive material.

As for Workshops, ALIFE will provide the onsite logistics (seminar rooms, projectors, coffee breaks) and links from the main conference website. All other organizational issues are taken care of by the tutorial chairs. Therefore, any tutorial-specific requests from participants should be exclusively addressed to them, not to the ALIFE committee. Participation in tutorials requires conference registration.


Special Sessions

Special Sessions are part of the conference main program. They are dedicated to both established and emerging core concepts of the ALife agenda. Special sessions provide an excellent opportunity for researchers in the ALife community to shape parts of the conference programme by attracting high quality submissions, organizing session content and selecting session chairs.

Contributions to special sessions undergo the same peer review process as other submissions to the conference and will be included in the conference proceedings. There is no limit on the number of time slots allocated to a special session and their duration will instead be determined by the number of allocated contributions. Special sessions that do not attract a sufficient number of contributions will not take place.

Paper Abstract

Submission Process

Every workshop, special session and tutorial proposal should include:

  1.     title of the workshop / special session / tutorial

  2.     name(s) and affiliation(s) of the organizer(s) with contact details

  3.     a short CV of the organizer(s)

  4.     a brief description (half-page) of the workshop/tutorial topics

Only for workshops:

  1.     type of workshop (contributed talks, invited talks, interactive session, panel discussion, etc.)

  2.     potential target participants and audience

  3.     roughly approximated number of participants

  4.     an indication whether the workshop should run for one or two 1.5 hour slots

  5.     whether you have a plan for preparing online (or pdf) proceedings or abstract booklets of the workshop or not

All proposals must be sent to: until 31 January, 2021.

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